Home Decor Delight Decluttering 30 Day Declutter Challenge 2023

30 Day Declutter Challenge 2023

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We have written about declutter games before, and we have also written about 2023 declutter challenges. I wonder if you have tried it? 2023 is coming to an end, and I know everyone wants to do a thorough declutter of what they own before the new year. So, my topic today is 30 day declutter challenge 2023!

Although we talked about the Four Week Declutter Challenge in the previous article, one day more and one day less does not matter much. Today I will talk about this Challenge in detail and provide you with the best experience analysis based on the actual experience of a YouTuber. The real and most effective advice.


Rule Of 30 Day Declutter Challenge 2023

As the name suggests, you should throw away items based on the number of days in the 30 days.

For example, throw away one thing on the first day, throw away 2 things on the second day, and throw away 30 things on the thirtieth day.

So, to complete this game, you have to bid farewell to a total of 465 items. Isn’t it exciting? !

declutter challenge


Motivation and beginning of practical cases

There is a foreign blogger Leah on the Internet who took the initiative to join this game and recorded her situation for 30 days.

Before Leah started playing the game, she lived with only a suitcase for a year.

During this period, she slowly realized that the happiness brought by the items she bought to follow the trend was nothing but nothingness and had no practical meaning.

declutter challenge

The essence of happiness is not to own material things, but to make yourself the real source of happiness!

Please also ask yourself: Are the items I own really enough to make my life better?

Therefore, Leah returned to the home she had lived in since she was a child and began to sort out all her belongings and living space, undergoing an unprecedented separation of belongings.

Leah had also organized some items intermittently, such as the wardrobe, but now it seems that it was just childish.

To make this separation more successful, Leah devised a plan.

30 day declutter challenge


Make a cute schedule

Leah designed a schedule herself to do “doodle check-ins” every day.

After completing a task every day, fill a color block with a paintbrush, which enhances the sense of accomplishment of completing the task!

This kind of graffiti method allows the performer to see the progress of the task more intuitively, playing a catalytic and motivating role.

Secondly, Leah hung the planner in the most conspicuous place on the wall, which not only serves as a decoration, but also allows her to notice it every day.

Such a beautiful and lovely plan greatly enhances the execution ability. This idea is really good! Moreover, making a table is inherently part of execution. Instead of opening a progress bar, you are already 5% complete!

decluttering challenge


Don’t proceed in chronological order

This step is the most important in my opinion, and it is also the most effective experience I learned from her approach.

Apparently, usually at the beginning of a mission, everyone is very confident and throwing things is easy. I was able to throw dozens of items on the first day!

However, as time goes by, the number of items that need to be thrown also increases, and there becomes nothing to throw away.

Try to save small numbers for days when your energy is low.

Make this challenge more manageable rather than becoming an oppressive thing.

decluttering challenge


Divide living space into small areas

If your focus is on the entire space in the beginning, you will be discouraged because you feel you have no idea where to start, giving yourself reasons to put off taking action.

We narrowed it down a bit and only cleaned a small area each day. Start with the simplest table and your execution will be greatly enhanced.

We have talked about this method before, such as the “container concept” also mentioned in this article on Declutter DVDs. Separating an area can effectively enhance your efficiency. If you don’t cut the task into small tasks, then you will be tired of doing the same task until it reaches 100%. Doing small tasks one by one can make you more efficient. You continue to achieve your goals, and although the results are the same, the satisfaction in the process is completely different.

declutter challenge 2023


Disposal of Clothing and Jewelry

Many times, we are attracted to accessories and clothes because they look good and cute.

There are many beautiful vintage dresses in Leah’s wardrobe, which have only been worn once or twice. It is a waste to keep them idle in the closet.

She said that in the past, when she purchased products, she only cared about their appearance, but forgot to consider whether they were suitable for daily life.

Please take a serious look at those clothes and accessories. Even if you like it very much, stop using it to avoid impulse shopping.

30 day declutter challenge

Please think more about: Do I really like this item? Are there many opportunities to wear or use it? Will you wear or use it for more than 5 years?

Please give unused items to people who appreciate them for further use!


Will it improve my life?

Leah was once crazy about notebooks and paintings, and bought a lot of stationery related to notebooks and drawings.

However, the stationery in the drawer was almost untouched.

Having these items did not make Leah happy in her life.

Therefore, these dispensable items have also become the targets of cleaning.

Just keep the basics you use every week!



Do you notice when something is missing?

This issue has also been mentioned repeatedly in our previous articles.

Some things are like treasures when you see them.

When it’s not there, gone, you won’t even notice it was there.

Especially memory items.

Whenever Leah travels, she collects local stones. Leah had no memory of the incident until they were uncovered.

At that time, she thought that by taking the stone home, she thought it could preserve the memory of the place. In fact, it was the brain that preserved the memory.

daily declutter challenge

There are many items that exist because your memories add emotional value to the item.

The memory of these 23 stones will always be in Leah’s mind.

While it’s really special to see rocks from all over the world, you don’t need a bunch of rocks in life.


Of course you can interrupt

When you really don’t know what to throw away, you can do something else to relax first.

Do something, change your mind, and maybe you will get inspiration. You can take a shower, eat, go for a walk, etc.

When you can’t hold on emotionally: Please say to yourself, come on!

Only by reducing the items that hinder progress can we create more space to display the good things we retain. Only by being nourished by positive items can we become a better version of ourselves.

As the saying goes, anything that doesn’t defeat you only makes you stronger! When you overcome this psychological barrier and complete this challenge, you will find that your vision of the future of life becomes wider and wider!



Clean up twice every half month

Even if some areas have been cleaned up, after a while, if you check again, you will find that there are still a bunch of unnecessary items left.

It was during the second cleaning half a month later that Leah discovered this pile of letterpress seals that had not been used for three years.

At first, Leah thought she might still use it, so she kept half of it.

Then after seeing it again, I was pretty sure it was a long shot to continue using it.

So in the end, she kept 3 as souvenirs and gave the rest to others.

Leah collected these souvenirs in a large box. In addition to seals, there were also old letters and small gifts from friends, fans and family.



Consider: Does this item work for you?

Although we consider many factors when purchasing an item, in actual use, it will inevitably be different from what we imagined.

In fact, this item may not apply to you. When this happens, the item is either reluctantly used or left unused.

However, items that are not suitable for you may not be suitable for others, so we have to find ways to circulate them.

Leah believes that if we all share our unused items and everyone has this idea, a sustainable economic environment will be formed.

Although Leah was very confident at the beginning of the game, she faced the prospect of giving up 465 items, which was still a huge number, and she had to retreat.

Therefore, when we act, we try to simplify the execution content as much as possible, and do not add burdens and obstacles in our hearts, forming complicated shackles, which will lead to loss of mobility.

daily declutter challenge

Indeed, it was not all smooth sailing during the course of action, but fortunately I was able to persevere in the end.

At the end of the game, facing a pile of discarded items, Leah felt like she had been relieved of a lot of burdens in her life.

Not only is the house lighter, airier and brighter, but so is her heart.



So, what about you? Do you feel like stand up and start a plan for this 30 day declutter challenge 2023? Well, after learning from her, I do think I will do my best to complete this challenge, only for my good.

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