Home Decor Delight Decluttering Decluttering Memes: All You Want to Know

Decluttering Memes: All You Want to Know

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The popularity of memes on the Internet is obvious to all. We all know that interesting memes will be born in any field, and it is the same in the field of minimalism. Have you also seen interesting decluttering memes about minimalists? Let’s take a look together, and you’re welcome to share!


Marie Kondo Memes

Since Marie Kondo’s book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing became a best-seller and the Netflix series launched, many netizens have contributed interesting reactions and created many interesting decluttering memes. I picked out a few that I personally find particularly funny to share with you:

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Well, we all know the spark joy storage rules proposed by Marie Kondo, right? ok…let me say it again, the spark joy storage method does not aim at “saving”, but puts “discard” in the first place: the purpose of storage changes from “seeing what can be thrown away” to “Seeing what you can keep” can effectively reduce the discomfort when throwing things away – or, does it?

Although we all know that this method of decluttering is beneficial to our lives, obviously we still feel reluctant to throw away things! ! !

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Hahahahaha, this one really makes me laugh out loud. Although we say we want to declutter life, but declutter friend? Hope I’m not the kind of friend who will be thrown away by friends (TT).

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Still Marie Kondo joke, but this time it’s my turn: Although we are just joking around here, and it may be disappointing to interrupt the atmosphere, but if you really feel hopeless or depressed, please go for a psychologist.

In Netflix’s Internet celebrity reality show “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” specially created for Marie, Marie, as a tidying consultant, personally visits American families who are troubled by tidying up their rooms.

In “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo”, the “thumping storage method” is given a new meaning. What Marie Kondo does is not only help every family tidy up their rooms, but also guide them to tidy up their lives.

In the show, you can see the wife sobbing over her late husband’s old shirt.

The home that looks tidy on the outside but is actually a mess inside is just like the wife’s condition: she looks just like any other person, but her heart has been filled with countless memories that are difficult to let go of, making it impossible for her to accept a new life.

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Fold Clothes Memes

If you don’t understand this declutter meme, you can first take a look at the rules for folding clothes proposed by our Ms. Marie Kondo:

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Distinguish between “folding storage” vs “hanging storage”

Marie Kondo emphasized that clothes should be divided into “folding type” or “hanging type” according to their characteristics.

According to Marie, “The folding way will save space, and it can also absorb the energy of the clothes when you fold it with your hands. So except for coats and suits that are suitable for hanging, fold all other clothes!”

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All clothes are first folded into rectangular shapes and then into small square shapes, and the goal is to make the clothes “upright” so that the storage space can be reduced.

Lower body & dress category

Pants and skirts made of wool, denim, and cotton should also be folded into a rectangular shape and stood up as much as possible; but pants and skirts with fold lines, or materials that wrinkle easily, should be hung.

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Jackets & Suits

Clothes that cannot be folded, such as jackets, suits, and coats, can be put directly on the hangers with dust bags; sweaters and down jackets are made of thick fabrics and contain a lot of air, so if you want to fold them, remember to fold them loosely, but if you are worried about it being too much, If it takes up space, you can put it in an environmentally friendly bag or a drawstring bag to squeeze out as much air as possible.

Special occasion clothing

Although special occasion clothing is used only rarely throughout the year, you can still keep it if you love it. And there is no need to subdivide the categories, just put special clothes into the same category.

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I believe you can now get these Fold Clothes Memes, or decluttering wardrobe memes.


Decluttering Memes

When we are decluttering the room, we will definitely encounter various obstacles. We can use decluttering memes to see what they are. Although the only purpose of memes is actually to have fun, we can read the subconscious mind behind the laughter.


Generally speaking, when we declutter a house, room or wardrobe, it is at a certain time transition point, such as the New Year or the change of seasons. This also means that we need to declutter a lot of things and the amount is large, so it requires a lot of time and energy.

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This is why everyone will smile knowingly when they see this picture, because what we all have to admit is: human energy is limited, no matter who you are, you will be tired, and who said that tidying up the room is not a kind of tiring exercise?

Once we feel tired, we tend to lose focus, especially when sorting out old things. Imagine that you are sorting through your childhood toys, and after rummaging through them you find your favorite stuffed bear as a child. The old appearance and its still cute face will make the memory of it flood into your mind instantly, forcing you into the whirlpool of memories.

However, if you have to reminisce about the past and be inseparable from any item when you declutter it, then you may spend half your life decluttering it.

The ultimate purpose of decluttering things is to welcome new memories, a ceremony to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new. Only by saying goodbye to the past can we embrace the future!



This may be the biggest problem, and it is also a problem that everyone will have. Don’t worry too much. We may have all encountered this situation. After tidying up the room, it returned to its original mess within a few days.

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What can we do about it?

Perhaps only daily decluttering can achieve the purpose of maintaining a tidy house.

Regarding daily declutter, we may publish a special article to explain it in the future, so you can look forward to it.



As I said in the Distracted section, decluttering requires a lot of time and effort. It’s not an easy task, so it’s easy to get discouraged, especially if you want to declutter your room on a whim. For this, I refer you to one of our previous articles: 30 Day Declutter Challenge 2023. You can learn this challenge. Don’t complete too heavy a task at once, but set several different small goals to ensure that you can have the satisfaction of success.

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If you are interested in the specifics of declutter, you can read our previous series of articles:

Declutter DVDs: Methods And Techniques

Declutter Makeup: What Makeup You Need In 2023

How To Declutter Pictures: A Complete Guide

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